The importance of user research when planning your website


Before embarking on a website project, it's essential to understand the needs and motivations of the people who will use the website.

User research allows you to gain insight into the needs and behaviours of your customers, and helps ensure that the final website meets their requirements and expectations.

Benefits of user research for a website project:

  • Informs planning and decision-making: User research helps identify what users want and need from the website. This can be used to inform planning and decision-making to ensure the resulting websites meets the needs of the intended audiences. 
  • Improves usability: By understanding the user needs and behaviours of your audiences, user research can be used to create an intuitive navigation system that makes it easier to find information on your website.
  • Reduces long-term costs and saves time: By knowing what your users want early in the design process, user research can help reduce the risk of building a website that does not meet the needs of your audience, and prevents significant changes to the website after it is launched.
  • Increased engagement and conversion rates: User research puts the user at the heart of the design process and creates a user-centric design. This creates a positive user experience, which can lead to increased engagement and conversion rates.

By investing in user research, you can create a website that delivers a positive user experience, enhances brand loyalty, and results in greater audience engagement.

To learn more about how Path can help you understand your customers' needs, motivations and behaviours, contact Karen at or call 01 6799212.